Jan. 10 – Sam Robbins

Jan. 10 – Sam Robbins

“Grabs your attention any time he is on stage!” Sam Robbins is often described as an “old soul singer songwriter.” A nationally touring musician whose music evokes classic singer songwriters like James Taylor and Jackson Browne, Sam adds a modern, upbeat...
Dec. 13 – Rupert Wates

Dec. 13 – Rupert Wates

“This is one gifted sonofabitch!” Award-winning singer-songwriter Rupert Wates was born in London, but is now based in New York City and Colorado. Since coming to this country, he has won more than 50 songwriting and performing awards.  His music is an...
Nov. 8 – Ray Lambiase

Nov. 8 – Ray Lambiase

“Makes me remember why I so enjoy listening to music” Ray Lambiase is a veteran singer-songwriter who has been writing and performing songs since he was a teenager growing up on Long Island.  Over the years, he has performed in concert with Marshall...
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